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  1. Added support for worker plugins
  2. Added support for nfcli custom shells


  1. All workers loaded into NorFab using entrypoints implementing lazy loading - workers classes only imported when they being used, in some cases allowing to save on startup time.



  1. FastAPI service added bearer authentication support
  2. Added hooks attachpoints nornir-startup and nornir-exit to influence Nornir service workers startup and exit



  1. Improved netbox get_circuits logic.
  2. Standartised worker get_version and get_inventory methods


  1. Added runtime_inventory task to Nornir service, #6
  2. Added support to configure startup and exit hook functions in inventory to be executed by nfapi on start and on exit.



  1. Improved logging handling for NFAPI if it failing to start a worker
  2. Update client get method to return result as a dictionary for broker MMI, file and inventory services
  3. Enhanced Netbox update_device_facts and update_device_interface to support batch_size argument - a number of devices to process at a time
  4. Improved nfcli shell for Netbox service to provide more arguments for netbox update device facts command


  1. Added Netbox Service update_device_ip task to retrieve device interface IP addresses and create them in Netbox
  2. Added support to NorFab simple inventory and nfapi to load inventory from dictionary data as well as to explicitly provide base_dir information where to anchor NorFab environment
  3. Added support for NorFab inventory workers section items to be dictionaries in addition to OS path to YAML files allowing to construct workers inventory out of dictionaries and/or YAML files.



  1. Added "show version" support for nfcli client to display versions of locally installed libraries, fixes. #4
  2. Added "show broker version" support for nfcli client to retrieve broker report of the version of libraries broker is running on, fixes. #4
  3. Added support "show broker inventory" command to display broker inventory
  4. Simple inventory added support to produce a serialized dictionary output
  5. Broker added "show_broker_inventory" and "show_broker_version" MMI endpoints
  6. Added support for simple inventory service to render inventory using Jinja2, renderer passed on env variable that contains operating system environment variables, allowing to source any env data into NorFab inventory for both broker and workers. #5
  7. Created fastapi service to host REST API for NorFab



  1. Fixed nfcli --workers-list handling
  2. Fixed job_data url handling for nornir cli/cfg/test tasks
  3. Fixed nfapi handling of empty worker name


  1. Added a set of confirmed commit shell commands to nornir cfg netmiko plugin



  1. Added nfcli --workers-list option to specify a list of workers to start


  1. Fixed handling of jinja2 import for the worker to make it optional



  1. Improved libs imports handling to account for distributed deployment
  2. Improved logging handling
  3. Fixed nfcli issue with starting components onf NorFab #2
  4. Changed CTRL+C handling to trigger graceful NorFab exit


  1. Added broker -> shared_secret parameter in inventory.yaml to configure clients and workers broker shared secret key
  2. Added and tested docker files



  1. refactored get_circuits to use threadpoolexecutor to fetch circuits path from netbox
  2. adding job_data json load to nornir cli, cfg and test tasks


  1. Fixing netbox get_devices dry run test
  2. Fixed netbox get_circuits devices site retrieval handling


  1. Added cache to Netbox get_circuits and get_devices tasks
  2. Added new agent worker to stsart working on use cases to interface with LLMs



  1. FIxed Netbox CLI Shell handling of NFCLIENT


  1. Updated and tested dependencies for Netmiko 4.5.0
  2. Updated and tested dependencies for Nornir 3.5.0
  3. Updated and tested dependencies for Nornir-Salt 0.22.1



  1. Changes to Nornir service module files structure
  2. PICLE dependency updated: 0.7. -> 0.8.
  3. Made Nornir Service progress argument set to True by default to emit and display events for all Nornir Jobs
  4. Nornir tests changed table argument to be set to True by default
  5. Improved nfapi broker start logic to wait until broker fully initialized before proceeding to start workers


  1. Added support for Nornir parse task to source TTP template from file with autocompletion
  2. Added Nornir File Copy task to copy files to devices using SCP
  3. Added support for logs to be collected into single file from all NorFab local processes
  4. Added to NorFab worker job_list and job_details methods
  5. Added show jobs summary and show jobs details commands to NorFab shell and to Nornir shell
  6. Added --create-env argument to nfcli utility to create NorFab folders and files to make it easier to get started using norfab


  1. Fixed Nornir Service Watchdog to clean up dead connections from hosts data


Initial Release

Notable Features¤

  1. NorFAB Broker, Client and Worker base classes
  2. Nornir Service
  3. Network Service
  4. Simple Inventory Datastore Service
  5. File service
  6. ZeroMQ encryption