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NorFab Inventory¤

NorFab comes with Simple Inventory Datastore (SID) hosted by broker, allowing workers to source inventory data from broker.

NorFab inventory separated in sections, each responsible for configuring different aspects of the system.

broker: # (1)!
  endpoint: "tcp://" # (2)!

workers: # (3)!
  nornir-*: # (4)!
    - nornir/common.yaml   
  nornir-worker-1: # (5)!
    - nornir/nornir-worker-1.yaml

topology: # (6)!
  broker: True # (7)!
  workers: # (8)!
    - nornir-worker-1

logging: # (9)!
      level: WARNING
      level: INFO
  1. Broker configuration inventory section
  2. URL to listen for connections on - localhost port 5555 in this case
  3. Workers configuration inventory section
  4. glob pattern that will match all workers with nornir- in the name and map common.yaml file content for each of them
  5. Worker definition to map inventory file to a specific worker that has name nornir-worker-1
  6. Topology section to define what components to run
  7. Start broker process
  8. List of workers names to start processes for
  9. Logging configuration section

Broker Inventory Section¤

Broker inventory must have broker_endpoint parameter defined for workers and clients to identify how connect with broker, and for broker itself to identify where to listen for connections.

# broker settings
  endpoint: "tcp://"
  shared_key: "5z1:yW}]n?UXhGmz+5CeHN1>:S9k!eCh6JyIhJqO"

In addition these parameters are supported

  1. shared_key - broker encryption shared key may or may not be needed depending of type of the setup you are running, in case if all components - broker, client and workers run on same machine, configuring shared_key parameter is options, as nfapi is smart enough to auto-configure all workers and client with correct broker shared key. In case if broker and workers with clients are distributed i.e. running in separate containers or on separate machines, share_key parameter must be configured on all workers and clients to match shared key used by broker.

Workers Inventory Section¤

To understand how Simple Inventory Datastore serves workers inventory it is good to know that each worker has a unique name to identify it.

With that in mind, the goal is to map inventory data to individual worker by its name.

For example, let's pretend that worker name is nornir-worker-1 and we have common.yaml and nornir-worker-1.yaml files with inventory data that we need to provide worker with.

To do the mapping between worker name and inventory files we can put this in NorFab inventory (inventory.yaml) file:

    - nornir/common.yaml  
    - nornir/nornir-worker-1.yaml

Where files structure would look like this:

    │   inventory.yaml

As you can see, inventory.yaml file contains workers section with a dictionary keyed by glob patterns to match against workers' names, once worker name matched by the pattern, all items in the list underneaths that pattern being loaded and recursively merged. As such, process continues until all patterns evaluated. Final output of the process is a combined inventory data of all the matched files.

The recursive logic of combining inventory data files is pretty straightforward - each next data file merged into the previous data file overriding the overlapping values.

The glob pattern matching logic allows be as specific as required and map specific files to individual workers or to map single data file to multiple workers or map multiple files to multiple workers, all combinations supported.

For example, we have a group of two workers with names netbox-wroker-1.1 and netbox-worker-1.2 and we want to map netbox_common.yaml to both of the workers, in that case NorFab inventory (inventory.yaml) file could have this content:

    - nornir/netbox_common.yaml  

Where files structure would look like this:

    │   inventory.yaml

Both workers will be served with netbox_common.yaml file content as an inventory data.

Workers Inventory Parameters¤

Workers inventory can contain these common parameters:

  1. service - name of the service this worker belongs to

Sample worker base inventory:

service: nornir

The rest of the inventory data is worker specific.

Topology Inventory Section¤

Topology section of NorFab inventory identifies the components that need to be started on the given node.

Logging Inventory Section¤

Logging inventory section allows to configure logging parameters such file retention option, logging to remote hosts, logging levels etc.

Hooks Section¤

Hooks section allows to configure a list of functions to run during NorFab execution lifespan events.

Supported attach points:

  • startup - list of functions to run right after NorFab nfapi started broker and worker process and fully initialized. Startup hook function must accept norfab object as a single argument.
  • exit - list of functions to run right before NorFab nfapi initiates exit sequence. Exit hook function must accept norfab object as a single argument.

Each hook defined as a dictionary that can contain these keys:

  • function - Python import path for hook function
  • attachpoint - one of the attach points indicating when to run hook function e.g. startup
  • args - optional list of function positional arguments
  • kwargs - optional dictionary of function key-word arguments

Sample hooks definition:

  - attachpoint: startup
    function: "hooks.functions.do_on_startup"
    args: []
    kwargs: {}
    description: "Function to run on startup"
  - attachpoint: exit
    function: "hooks.functions.do_on_exit"
    args: []
    kwargs: {}
    description: "Function to run on startup"

Where hook functions are:

def do_on_startup(norfab):
    print("Startup hook executed")

def do_on_exit(norfab):
    print("Exit hook executed")

Function import path is a dot separated path used to import module file that contains hook functions, where individual function name is a last item in dot separated path definition. For example hooks.functions.do_on_startup path is equivalent of running Python import from hooks.functions import do_on_startup.

Jinja2 Support¤

Starting with version 0.3.0 NorFab supports Jinja2 syntax rendering of inventory files, in addition, env dictionary variable available to source environment variables:

      level: {{ env.get("TERMINAL_LOGGING_LEVEL", "WARNING") }}
      level: {{ env.get("FILE_LOGGING_LEVEL", "INFO") }}

Above example demonstrates how terminal and file logging level can be sourced from environment using Jinja2 syntax.

All workers inventory files also passed through Jinja2 renderer with access to env dictionary variable:

  username: {{ env.get("NORNIR_USERNAME", "nornir") }}
  password: {{ env.get("NORNIR_PASSWORD", "password" ) }}

env variable passed onto Jinja2 context as a dictionary that contains environment variables keys and values supporting all Jinja2 dictionary access operations:

  username: {{ env["NORNIR_USERNAME"] }}
  password: {{ env.NORNIR_PASSWORD }}
  port: {{ env.get("NORNIR_PORT", 22) }}

Loading Inventory from Dictionary¤

By default NorFab supports loading inventory from inventory.yaml file together with workers section items referring to a list of OS paths to YAML files with workers inventory data. As an alternative it is possible to load full NorFab and its workers inventory from dictionary, this can be useful when working with NorFab Python API directly:

Instantiate NorFab out of Dictionary Inventory
from norfab.core.nfapi import NorFab

data = {
    "broker": {
        "endpoint": "tcp://",
        "shared_key": "5z1:yW}]n?UXhGmz+5CeHN1>:S9k!eCh6JyIhJqO",
    "workers": {
        "nornir-*": [
                "service": "nornir",
                "watchdog_interval": 30,
                "runner": {
                    "plugin": "RetryRunner",
                    "options": {
                        "num_workers": 100,
                        "num_connectors": 10,
        "nornir-worker-1*": ["nornir/nornir-worker-1.yaml"],
        "nornir-worker-2": [
    "topology": {
        "broker": True,
        "workers": [

if __name__ == "__main__":
    nf = NorFab(inventory_data=data, base_dir="./norfab/")
    client = nf.make_client()

    job_result = client.run_job("nornir", "get_nornir_hosts")


In above example, data dictionary contains complete NorFab inventory and passed onto NorFab object together with base_dir argument to inform NorFab where to search for inventory YAML files, for example "nornir/nornir-worker-2.yaml" file will be searched within this path "./norfab/nornir/nornir-worker-2.yaml" since ./norfab/ is a base directory. Base directory argument is optional and will be automatically set by NorFab to current directory.